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Total Nutrition Today










Healthy Bits

Cleansing is an important first step to feeling better expecially when on the road back to health in traditional healing systems.

Today herbalists have formulated combinations of the best cleansing and detoxification herbs and nutrients. completing a comprehensive herbal cleanse is an excellent way to renew your health and get you back on track to feeling rejuvenated.

An Effective Herbal Detox Cleanse seeks to accomplish the following:

  • Transport toxins to the liver and kidneys
  • Process toxins for elimination
  • Protect the liver, brain and other organs from circulating toxins
  • Release toxin-ladin bile fluid into the intestines
  • Bind toxins in the intestines to avoid reabsorption
  • Eliminate bound toxins through the stool and urine
  • Restore function to eliminative organs

Aside from ridding the body of disease-causing toxic build up, an herbal detox cleanse increased energy, improves immune system, reverses constipation, helps in weight loss and improves the complexion

NSP's Bod-E-Klenz Does It All


Video: YOU Can Prevent the Number One Killer! Anna Marie Explains How!


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Children's Nutritional Needs


Key Products for Children's Health

Every parent will agree: ensuring your child receives proper nutrition is nearly impossible!  Sweets, chips, and fast food are very appealing to children. But as we all know, these "foods" are filled with sugar, hydrogenated fats and empty calories - a nutritional disaster!  Worst of all, when your children are out of sight - at school or at play - you have even less control over their eating habits

The following nutritional options have been formulated with children in mind. Not only do they suit today's family and their busy schedule, they taste GOOD!



The whole family will love the taste and nutritional goodness of Zambroza juice blend.  Bursting with the natural goodness of antioxidant-rich fruits and plant extracts such as mangosteen, apple, raspberry, green tea, blueberry, grape juice, sea buckthorn, wolfberry andgrape seed extract.

Zambroza's nutritional benefits affect many body systems.  Most noticeably your family will experience an increase in energy and strengthened immunity. They'll also enjoy the delicious grape flavour.

No artificial sweetners, colours, flavours or preservatives added.

Sunshine Heros Children's Supplements


Sunshine Heros Multi- Vitamins - Chewable
Getting your kids to eat properly might be a struggle, but you'll never have to beg them to take their vitamins! Kids go wild over these fantastic-tasting soft gummies. Kids love their taste.
Sunshine Heros Bifidophilus- Chewable
Nature's Sunshine Heroes products have been designed especially for children. Digestive enzymes are essential to proper digestion.
Sunshine Heros Vit C with Elderberry Plus - Chewables
Probiotic Power provides children with the friendly bacteria essential for intestinal health. This good bacteria is easily destroyed by antibiotics and poor diet, leaving children susceptible to overgrowth of "bad" bacteria and parasites in the colon.
 - The intestinal system is home to millions of friendly bacteria that play an important part in maintaining a healthy internal environment and immune system.  Bifidophilus is a supplement that helps replenish friendly bacteria in children. 
Here's a partial list of the good things friendly bacteria do:
  1. Make it difficult for unfriendly organisms like fungus and yeast (candida) to live in the colon
  2. Normalize bowel movements
  3. Improve the ability of the immune system
  4. Help produce B vitamins and vitamin K
  5. Help produce lactose, an enzyme necessary to digest milk products


TNT (Total Nutrition Today)

TNT Drink Mix

Nature's Sunshine has designed a unique nuttritional beverage and convenient bars to keep your family nutritionally topped up. 

It contains all essential vitamins and minerals, plus fibre, plant extracts and herbs for optimal nutrition.

TNT is an explosion of energy, nutrition and taste. 

So, when they can't always eat right, give them TNT.

New Gluten free formula





Now Gum Without Harmful Sugar or Aspartame!

Nature’s Sweet Life Xylitol Gum freshens breath, cleans teeth and promotes dental health with all of the flavour and none of the harmful effects of sugar-laden gum. Chewing gum after a meal stimulates the production of saliva, which washes the teeth and neutralizes harmful acid produced by bacteria. 

Regular use of xylitol has been shown to help reduce dental plaque—the first stage of cavity development, tartar formation and tooth staining—and promote better oral health. Nature’s Sweet Life Xylitol Gum contains xylitol, gum base, natural flavour from either spearmint oil or cinnamon oil, vegetable glycerin, gum arabic, soy lecithin and beeswax. 

Chew after or between meals to freshen breath and promote oral health.

Xylitol Gum Spearmint 


Xylitol Gum Cinnamon










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